The Leaders' Perspective


Jason Goldberg Episode 0

Episode 0 is a quick introduction to The Leaders' Perspective podcast and the bi-weekly interview format.  We also take a few minutes to discuss Triple Threat Leadership and the traits that make someone a Triple Threat Leader.


Welcome to the Leaders' Perspective podcast. Where we talk to Triple Threat leaders about the people products, trends and experiences that influence business. I'm now pleased to introduce your host, Jason Goldberg.

Jason Goldberg:

Welcome, everyone to the leaders perspective. If you didn't already recognize me from the cover photo, my name is Jason Goldberg. And I'll be your host as we take 30 minutes every other week to learn about the lives, careers and perspectives of Triple Threat leaders. Let's take a step back. We've all experienced jobs where we've had managers some good some bad. Have you ever had the opportunity in your career, or in life to work with or interact with a truly amazing leader. And by that I mean someone who is intelligent, kind, a lifelong learner, someone who's generous, someone who sets clear direction and the team follows and trusts someone who creates and fosters an environment of teamwork and passion. This podcast is meant for us to learn from those leaders, the people who drive change in a positive way. How do they think what motivates them? How do they get to where they are? What are their philosophies, and while all of our guests will be triple threat leaders, the topics will vary, and will cover hot topics in business and society. And I certainly welcome feedback from our audience. So if you have any ideas for topics or guests, please message me. I've mentioned the term Triple Threat leader now a few times, so let's talk about that for a minute. Unfortunately, I wasn't smart enough to come up with that term. That term was coined by the esteemed Dean Bill Boulding of my alma mater, the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. So what makes a Triple Threat leader this is someone who has equal parts iq plus eq plus DQ IQ. Most of you know this is the intelligence quotient. strong leaders need the intellectual horsepower to define a path and a future for a business and to direct it on a daily basis. EQ or emotional intelligence is critical to work effectively with teams. high EQ leaders are aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact people. high EQ leaders manage those emotions, both our own and others. And finally, DQ decency quotient, this is the trait and behaviors whereby a leader values respects and truly cares for others. This is the leader who realizes that it's our job to elevate others, and to help them do their best to have the humility to learn from others to embrace different perspectives. And this is the leader who has the integrity to be honest, transparent, and accountable to ourselves and others. So now that we've covered that, you might be asking yourself, well, who is this guy? And why should we be listening to him? Well, I've had an incredible 25 year career in consulting and financial services, where I've had the privilege of working under some incredible Triple Threat leaders. But I also had to endorse some poor managers as well. But along the way, both in school and in the workforce, I've created my own style, and I like to think that I embody the traits of a Triple Threat leader, and that I'm thoughtful when building leading managing or consulting to businesses. I promise along the way in each episode, I'll give you a sneak peek into my life as well as my philosophies. And what makes me tick. Each episode will be a dialogue with a Triple Threat leader from business, politics, health care and education and others, and the sector really doesn't matter. The style and mindset does. So that just about wraps up this introduction of the leaders perspective. We will be streaming on Apple podcasts, Spotify and YouTube, so please give us a like and a follow. Our first episode will be released this week in just a few days, so please keep an eye out. Thanks for watching. And as always, have a wonderful day and be your best self.


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