The Leaders' Perspective

Danielle Dwyer Garavito - Paramedic

Jason Goldberg Episode 4

EMTs and paramedics step into someone else's crisis on a regular basis.  In this episode we hear from senior paramedic Danielle Garavito about her career and how she tackles crises while also leading, coaching, and creating calm amidst a storm.

Jason Goldberg:

Most leaders experience a crisis a few times in her or his career. We learn from watching and we learn from doing, but there is something innate within some leaders that allows them to think calmly and clearly during a crisis. Even more importantly, the very best leaders in a crisis situation are those who create calm amidst a storm. My guest today does just that. Welcome


to the leaders perspective podcast where we talk to Triple Threat leaders about the people products, trends and experiences that influence business. I'm now pleased to introduce your host, Jason Goldberg.

Jason Goldberg:

Welcome back to the leaders perspective podcast where we engage with Triple Threat leaders to learn about their lives, careers and leadership philosophies, and chat with our guests about a hot topic in society. As a reminder, a Triple Threat leader is one who embodies the very best of leadership and who has strong IQ, EQ and a DQ intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and decency quotient. Today, we welcome a very special guest. She is someone I personally admire, and she is a hero to many. Danielle Dwyer gara Vito known to her friends as Danny is a leader who wears many hats. She is the Senior Territory Business Manager of cardiovascular sales for Bristol Myers Squibb. She's a senior paramedic with Westchester EMS in New York, and a senior paramedic and member of the marine medic division with Greenwich emergency medical services in Connecticut. If that's not enough, Danny is also a New York State certified instructor coordinator, which basically means she teaches new EMTs and offers continuing education classes to current EMTs. She is also the mom to two adorable kids. All right. Welcome, Danny. Thanks for Thanks for joining us on the leaders perspective. So I know we've we've had a chance to work together for about five years now. Not sure if many people know but I'm, I'm a volunteer EMT. in Westchester. And I've personally always respected and admired your your style in working and I think it's just you're incredibly unique in your field. And that you're you're constantly providing exceptional, you're balancing, providing exceptional patient care, you remain cool under pressure, but you're always focusing on creating calm for the patient and for the patient's family. And, you know, I think that that absolutely makes makes a Triple Threat leader. So glad Glad to have you today.

Dani Garavito:

Well, thank you, that's all very nice thing, nice thing comes in, and I truly appreciate it. I do take great pride in the work that I do going out there to help. And I think the reality is that we have to remember that we're there to help. It's not our crisis or somebody else's crisis, there's a reason that they reached out for it. And I think many of us have an inherent note want to be able to help others and then others probably do it for a different reason whether that's to make themselves a better person to find ways to do something that is unique to increase their skill set. But it is crisis to crisis, right? Absolutely. Every day. Not all blood. It's not all blood and guts, a lot of what we do is social work, and simply just letting people talk and explain what their problems are so that we can find a solution

Jason Goldberg:

for sure. I think that that's a great way to put it. So So tell us about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? How do you feel your days?

Dani Garavito:

Yep. So I originally was I was raised in Northern Westchester, you know, little town called Crotona, I was the mayor's daughter I knew everybody which was great and I think that's why I like working as a paramedic, you get to know so many different different people but right now living over in Connecticut, I have two young children and married and we are having a great time this summer. So a lot of outside stuff pool trips coming up and everything else just hit me like this. Oh so important. I would say that's pretty much like my hobbies right right now school.

Jason Goldberg:

And so tell us about your journey. In the intro. I gave a an intro to your to your background spoke about what you do for in the cardiovascular sales field and paramedicine. So, what came first How did you get here?

Dani Garavito:

Actually, I came I came into what I do now because when I went away to college at the University of Maryland, Greek life, which is very big down there, you either join a sorority or a fraternity and That wasn't me. I wasn't into Greek life. But I tried to find another place where I could go a group that I could join, I end up joining the College Park volunteer fire department, which was directly across the street across route line. And that became my fraternity. You know, we actually just had T shirts that said pi row in the Greek letters. But besides forming friendships, and everything else, it's really what truly got me into EMS, especially in a unique urban areas such as Prince George County, Maryland, where it is so really diverse, and all different pockets of people and stuff that I really liked. The idea of being able to see something different and unique each and every time you never know what EMS is going to bring in. That's how I got into EMS. And I did that for several year, actually a couple of years down there and realized after I got hired, but aside from that, I could go do this anywhere, and I yearned to go back home. So I came back to the New York, New York area and got hired in Greenwich, Connecticut, as a paramedic, that's where I met my he was my partner on an ambulance. And from there, it sort of morphed into sale, there was an old EMS box, we found me and came back to me and he said, I have a job for you like you need to go after this job in sales. And he said you are a people person, and you're able to communicate effectively with others. And so what I do like is that led me into sales. And I really think a lot of what I do in sales every single day is reflected in how I handle a call in EMS and finding what is important to the patient. Just like what is important to my customers at work, and how

Jason Goldberg:

what are you selling? How, what do you do,

Dani Garavito:

I'm selling a blood thinner at this time for Bristol Myers Squibb. I've always sold in the cardiovascular arena. So whether it was with an anti platelet hyperlipidemia medication, and right now I'm selling with called a dual Dolac, for lack of better term, one of the newer blood thinners out

Jason Goldberg:

on the market. Very interesting. So So you mentioned that your roles overlap. And I found the same in my career. Tell me how that worked. How that you know, how that comes about, and what what you the benefits of of each position that you bring to the other part of your life?

Dani Garavito:

So I think in sales, you know, you are or at least I walk in blind, blind and sometimes especially if it's a customer that I don't know, a lot of my customers that I have known for about 20 years, but there are new ones always coming into the area. And having that conversation kind of feel out in just a few minutes of time. What is their social style? How do they accept information? How do they exchange information, what works best for them? Are they someone who is a driver and is going to run what our conversation is, or someone who's willing to sit back and listen and wants to be friendly and, and know about my case in my life before there's any type of a decision made. And I think in EMS, a lot of it's the same, we walk into these situations where we don't know what we're getting, what the person is like, what their daily, what their daily activities are anything else like that. And it really is important in those first minute or two. I hate to say that, you know, we're biased in one way or another. But we really do have to make some really quick decisions on how we're going to approach a situation or this person. And when that doesn't work, being able to back yourself out of that conversation, and figure out in that couple of next couple of seconds. Alright, let me approach this from a different perspective. And I think it's that ebb and flow that we have with our patients and our customers on a daily basis that allow the conversation to happen, but also allow us to actively listen, and not necessarily respond to everything that they say. But let them know that we're taking interest in what they say. And then how can we best talk

Jason Goldberg:

are nice. All right, so you teach a lot right you in in your world you you're teaching new and current EMTs your preceptor to paramedics who are going through training what what are your leadership philosophies in general? And And honestly, when you when you show up on every scene, you have to take charge from a medical perspective and direct well might be two or a dozen different people. So how do you think about

Dani Garavito:

I think making each making each you know call or anything that we do making it a teaching opportunity for others is important. I think that's what keeps people engaged and wanting to come back for more. So whether I'm teaching on a call, or whether I'm teaching a classroom in EMS, and I'm also a district sales trainer, my sales rep is is making people feel that they are engaged and that what they have to say is important and what they're their thoughts and their opinions. And it may not be the right choice that we're making on a call in that moment. But at some point talking about it and saying, you know, what could we have done better? Or what did you like about what happened on the call? Or what didn't go so well? And how are we able to improve? In EMS there are, you know, algorithms, and there's protocols, and there's ways that we can handle certain situations, a trouble breathing, a chest pain through a patient, whatever the call is, but what it really does is it provides an opportunity, everyone has the structure, but how we best implement skills, or interactions or moving the patient, you know, from point A to point B. But the joke in our house here is that a lot of times we may be viewed as you know, FedEx workers, our job is to move a package from point A to point B reality is, is that our our package was taught and had feelings. And even people in a classroom setting or learning environment, each one of those students have feelings and want to feel like they're being heard. And if they're able to engage in the conversation, and, and partake in the hands on stuff, it really does make them feel that they are completely involved, rather than a student that sits back with their arms crossed, like I don't want to do that. So I'm going to reach out to them. And I think my calls, we need to reach out to people and get them more engaged, that they feel like they really are

Jason Goldberg:

truly ready. So you talk about calls in a very calm way. Right? You've been doing this for a long time. And I think most people who are listening don't have the full framing of what these situations might look like. But you have, you know, somebody, whether it's the patient themselves, or a family member bystander makes the decision to call 911. And in that moment, that patient is probably experiencing a significant amount of fear. Right, what am I experiencing right now? And what am I about to go through? When that ambulance arrives and in the journey to the hospital, and then at the hospital, what's going to happen to me, and they make the decision that they need help. And then there's a gap, there's that amount of time from when they call 911. Until when the the ambulance arrives, and the paramedic arrives. And that fear sometimes amplifies during that downtime. At least that's that's what I've heard from some patients. And then you arrive and you have sometimes nervous, you have nervous patients, you have nervous family members bystanders. So your pager goes off, you get to the scene. What's going through your mind in route, right, what's going through your mind when you get to a scene? Because it's it's their crisis? So much. Why are they not moving when I have my siren on, right?

Dani Garavito:

But I think walking up to the scene, you know, we always do that scene survey, and just get a general impression. But walking in the door and that patient sitting there looking at you and everything else. I actually do use the word Hi, what's up? What is going on? How can I help? Because I do think that puts people at ease as opposed to coming in like, Oh, you're having chest pain, you know, it just, I'm here to help you. But I think you have to have that relaxed attitude, or that relaxed persona. Because if you get excited more than then it's gonna get even more exciting. And you hit the nail on the head before we said, you know, a lot of times, it's the family members, or the loved ones or the friend, whomever there that really are the ones that are excited. And those usually are like a second version, right? The person you want to calm down more. So the assessment portion portion, though, is usually always the same. You know, get through your patient assessment, and that really does allow yourself I think, to stay calm, because you're working through in your head, you know, what steps do I need to pick? Now granted, there's flack for that. But I think even with the flex we still follow you know what it is that we're supposed to do. I always tell my students don't go down a rabbit hole. As much as you want your patient to talk to you and give you information. It's important for you to keep your stuff in line in your head. You need to drive the conversation. But again, it's figuring out what information is important to the patient when they want to tell you certain things right up front Listen to them, but then go back and do the stuff that you're supposed to do in order.

Jason Goldberg:

So you touched on something a moment ago, you said, survey the scene. And it's something that's just so natural to many of us in this field. But that survey, you know, I, whenever I teach a CPR class, I jokingly, you know, say, Stop, survey the scene, use all of your senses, sight, hearing, smell, sometimes touch, understand, just just don't taste and figure out what's going on. And, and unlike TV, nobody's ever, ever running into a scene, except the new guy sometimes, and then we have to grab them by the back of the shirt. But that, to me translates so much to the corporate world, the business world, I don't care what field you're in. Because whenever there's a crisis, oftentimes people will overreact, rather than taking a moment. And observing what's going on to try to assess what's going on. Because how many scenes have you come across where you know what's going on immediately be based on your survey?

Dani Garavito:

Absolutely. And I think even in your initial assessment, you know, what we call in our world of EMS initial assessment, but that general impression of what you like, see, number one, like sick or not sick, right, I'm smiling, my colors, good. I'm laughing at my, I always say, my students or even people I'm writing with, if they catch on and like sarcasm, things are pretty good in that moment, right? It's the people who have what we call lifetime eyes open. But there's no one home, they're not responding to you in the way that they should be responding to you. I also think, too, that you know, when there is a crisis, we don't need to recreate the wheel. A lot of us have done this a long time and have the experience behind us that the wheel is there. The question is, how are you going to move that wheel forward? Or in the line of EMS? How are you going to move the bus rolling the ambulance forward, and get them to the hospital. But remembering that, you know, again, there's a procedure, there's a way to do it. And you have to walk the patient through that journey. That's the word you've used, you have to walk them through their journey, help them through this journey, A, B, C, and step even after that

Jason Goldberg:

so many times on these calls, because when we work in this field, we work in you cover a very large territory. That is what 20 might be 20 miles from north to south, right? So it is broken into

Dani Garavito:

the 45 zone. Yes, but you know, it's an iPhone, it's approximately eight counts, and it's about 230 square miles.

Jason Goldberg:

So there are obviously times where you get on scene and you work with ambulance crews, EMTs firefighters, police officers who you've never seen before, you've never met before. Everyone's been trained, hopefully to the same same standards. But very often you're putting people together who don't know one another. How do you manage that? How do you pull teams together that have never worked together before? And lead those teams? And at the same time? I know this is a compound question, but at the same time, create calm.

Dani Garavito:

Yeah, so if you asked me to define my job, in one phrase, I am ringmaster of a three ring circus. In essence, right EMS fire and the police as well. But making people realize that our goal at the end is the same number one, number two is figuring out or even sometimes knowing what a person's strengths are or what their weaknesses are, there will be times in speaking to a patient that I realized that I'm not the person who want to talk to you. And it can be because maybe I am a female. They don't want to interact with it with a female in that moment, as crazy as it sounds, but maybe they prefer to talk to a man and realizing that you know what, the patient has already found a connection that has an affinity towards you know, the male officer who might be standing there and getting him involved into it. Sometimes there's even coaching though that officer, but the reality is, is that it's important for us to realize that in that moment, we all have the same, we all have the same goal. Sometimes it's also giving people who tend to get in my way or get in the way of getting the patient from set B or C setting them out on a job. You know, I need you to go back to this place or go Get this out of the envelope because I do need them out of that situation. There have been times that the EMTs have walked in the door behind me. And I know the patient's not doing well. But knowing that there's so many people showing up to the house or that scene, and the EMTs come in the door, and they're all happy to be there, like, hey, you know, paramedics, I'm here and I'm like, like, just short second, because that patient does require 111 person. Moment. So it's important to know what each scenario or scene requires, or how can we best get into

Jason Goldberg:

them. So what's your way? Right? You're You're I've been testing a lot that you keep people calm and you educate at the same time. How do you how do you keep? How do you create calm, it's the storm.

Dani Garavito:

I think calm for me is letting everybody have their space to do what their job requires. So as an EMT, they're really should be coming in the door. They've been trained to do a patient assessment, a good set of vitals, ask the basic questions and everything else. And I did this just the other day two, where I noticed that we were in the scene, and I walked in, and the NPS were doing what they needed to do right there. They're doing the patient segment, and I literally just stood sit there. And I said nothing. And it was one of those things where, at the end, as we're moving the patient out the door, I said to them, You know what, you guys, you're doing a great job. And they're like, What are you stuff you need to do to know you're doing a great job, the comments need not coming in as like a gang buster. And taking over the scene, the comments me really letting people have their space to do what needs to be done. And I think that gives them the confidence. And that also gives the confidence to the patient, that these are competent people that are here to help me the phrase of you know, as long as you're nice to people, they'll forget what you did wrong. But the reality is to in that moment, if people seem to know what they're doing, there is a combat that come over in that moment. And even with a loved one, letting them get involved, can you please get me a with the medication, you know, he's going to need some clothes, when he gets to the hospital, can you please pack a bag, we're going to keep those things, things that we will need to make them feel that they truly are involved in the situation.

Jason Goldberg:

I think what I found is tone in interacting with everyone, whether it's my colleagues are whether it's patient or fat or their families goes a long way. So that if I'm, in some cases, you know, just serious and decisive, I'm getting a certain reaction. In some cases, I can introduce some levity to the situation, and I get a different reaction. But if I show the slightest bit of uncertainty or panic, that's going to be infused into the situation, that's terrible. So I have to be in control of my emotions, and understand my pet by the emotions of everyone else around to try to drive what I'm feeling into them. And I think that that's, that's something important. I've seen the very best providers do that.

Dani Garavito:

Right. And you'll see that in the morning at my house is 730. When that bus is coming down to three, right? I lose my kid, you know, I can see the panic on their face in that moment. Their shoes aren't on, they don't know where anything is, and the reality of their shoes gonna be sitting there right in front of them. But you don't see them right? Because panic taking over. And I think when panic kicks over in a situation, we're blind, we don't see any right we see red that moment. And we've got to get ourselves out of that red zone that we put ourselves into and work into more of a yellow zone where at least we're a bit more calm or even a green zone like Hey, I am good to go. Let's I'm walking out the door mom and I'm getting to the bus. And I think it's important for us to remember we have to get ourselves back into that green zone. You know all all the time.


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Jason Goldberg:

All right, welcome back to the leaders perspective. We are we're joined today by Danny gara Vito and So many leaders outside of outside of your world deal with a crisis, every once in a while, it's certainly not, you're stepping into somebody else's crisis every day, right? They're, they're dealing with one every once in a while, like, hey, a little pandemic, and what do I do about, you know, people in the office or my system has crashed, or a particular product is not performing, as well as we expected? things, things like that. Any advice for business leaders, from somebody who's expert in dealing with crisis?

Dani Garavito:

I think you need to trust your employees. I think everybody wants to do a good job. Some of us want to do a great job. But you definitely need to figure out what motivates people. And I know from especially during the last like, two plus years that we've been in a pandemic and my sales job, we went dark in March. And so I was home. And for us, that was completely new, never worked from, I mean, yes, my office is my house, but I've never had to stay home. Throw kids into it a whole different next to but the reality is, is finding new ways to be able to get the customers help customers and everything else and reach out to them. I think it's important to trust your employees and and maybe no more hope, probably, that they're doing the right thing. But you have, I think, if you give everybody a sense of independence, and let them figure out, you know, how can I grow? How can I get better? How can I make the best out of it situation? It people will shine through, people will find what works and what doesn't work. And there has to be the flexibility to that as well. I think it's understanding that no one operates in the same boat. And when things do change, and a crisis kicks in, you'll notice some people are all in, I'm here, what do you need from me. And then there will be some people who retreat a little bit, want to survey the scene, see what's going on, and then we'll figure out how they can best place itself back into this new world that we've had, you know, from

Jason Goldberg:

home. Okay, so let's, let's talk about hot topic right now, which is a crisis in EMS itself. At the moment. And since the pandemic, we found that a lot of people have been burnt out and have stepped out of the world of emergency medical services. So there's a hiring and staffing crisis right now in this field there is in every field, but I think it's actually worse in EMS than many others. It's having an effect on retention and professionalism. So what more can you share about what's going on and how your organization's are combating that?

Dani Garavito:

I think the biggest thing that we're up against, well, it used to be paid, we have seen a change with that, in the last, you know, year or two, where there have been raises that have been given the minimum wage, you know, being raised helped a lot in those situations. I also think, too, that EMS is seen as a stepping stone for many, I want to become a firefighter or police officer to get into nursing or other areas of health care. And being an EMT, or in EMS is usually that first opportunity to get patient care or direct patient contact hours, we're going to use it for that reason. So we have people for many people for a very short period of time, because it isn't stepping stone and then moving on to something else. The other issue we have, though, is I don't want to say a lack of education. But in EMS, there is a requirement there is a need to have critical thinking skills, you know, critical decision making skill. And a lot of people don't come to the table with that skill set. I think you learn it over a period of time you're learning from being placed in certain situations, interacting with different people, but being able to prioritize what is important, and what is not so important, is a big part of EBMs because that's what we do. We triage out in situations and stuff like that. It also goes beyond the fact that you know the age spectrum in EMS. We have a lot of depth dinosaurs that fit the criteria of a dinosaur, believe it or not. But the reality is we also have very young folks in EMS now that really aren't sure what they want to do and they're like their testing. It's out. They went to class for three or four months. They got their EMP. Now they are an a&p to get the job on the AMA. And that's really where they figured out is this for me or not? We not only need to recruit people in EMS, and give opportunities to younger folks before they even get the EMT class, but I'm talking middle school and high school, to give them a skill set of being able to make a difference and make a critical decision in a second that they may be able to get, whether it's through groups in school, mock trial competition could be a big one, you know, drama, things where it forces them to constantly be thinking and not just sit back and wait type of thing,

Jason Goldberg:

I actually think it's been getting worse, in that the ability to make critical decisions and interact, we have to form a relationship with anyone that we see on scene. And that skill is being is is being lost in this. In this world, where students had been in school virtually for for a few years, and, you know, people are spending more time at home on their phones interacting electronically, there is no interacting over the phone. In EMS, it just doesn't exist, you have to form this report person. So that's a skill definitely with people coming out of school that that's being lost.

Dani Garavito:

Absolutely, I mean, I had an EMP the other day, we had a conversation, she was gonna follow up with me about something. And she's like, Oh, I'll be sure to catch you. Later, I looked at her and I laughed, and I could just call me that even that conversation will go so much harder. I thought to myself and her just shooting out in practice, he would be like, Yes, I'll get the information. But the reality is, is I want to hear the inflection of voice, I want to know, you know, what a feeling is about the information. And I think that carries a lot when there's just a conversation that you don't get, but so many, so many people are relying on devices and everything else, and even on calls, right? Staring at the iPad, if you're putting patient information. And you know, I tell him, I take pictures of stuff. You know, like the patient's drivers like stuff like that with the iPad. And there's no in later, there has to be the communication skills there. I

Jason Goldberg:

picked up the phone and called somebody the other day for for a business meeting. And I just needed to follow up and personally answer the phone. They said, wow, they said phone call this old school. Logic very. So, you know, how does it again, in this world, there is also a mix of paid and volunteer. So how does volunteerism come into play? In all of this? And is it making things better or worse?

Dani Garavito:

Oh, I think we'd make it better no matter what, I'll take extra hands on a call any day of the week. But the reality is, is that there's a lot of turnover with the volunteers, you know, someone comes into an organization they want to ride they want to do calls, maybe it's not a busy service, or they're not getting any calls and they want to go somewhere else. The other issue we have with the volunteers though, is that they need to people need to work people go out to their jobs everyday to or volunteering needs time away from from your family during your downtime at home and everything else because you're running out the door because of a call and the pager going off. But I think we also don't have into a lot of groups, you know, especially in your area groups that are there that are looking to not only volunteer, but maybe get into just EMS in general as a paid person. And I know I've always said that there's a there's a population in Northern Westchester that looking for work that doesn't necessarily want to go out every day and do hard labor out in out in the road or in people's yards and stuff like that, and offering educational opportunities to others who are able to work but are just looking to do something else and give them a different skill set. And I think also too, is that we have to realize that the demographics are changing in some areas, people are speaking different languages. A lot of our volunteers, you know, speak one language don't speak many rarely do I get volunteer to speak multiple languages. But I think it's important for us to sort of grow our group so that when we do have a patient from a different background or speaking a different language, that we're best able to help them if we can better.

Jason Goldberg:

But But all of this all of what you've said raises a serious issue which is we need people who want to serve. You need people who have critical thinking skills, who are intelligent, who have deep math skills. In many cases, you have to do math to actually do math in this in this field, who have good interpersonal skills. It's also a physical job, maybe be bilingual, this, these are a lot of things. And then when you look at, forget, volunteer, when you look at what EMTs and paramedics are paid in this country, that in and of itself is a crisis, and everyone should know that the people that are showing up at your door to help you when you call 911 are not doing this for the money, because they're not making nearly enough money, and they're not paid enough. And so recruiting into this world is incredibly difficult. And recruiting the people with the best skills, certainly even more difficult. So as you said, it's a stepping stone. So when you do get those very best people and I've seen them come through, they're on their way to, you know, to corporate world or on their way to PA school, or medical school or something else. And, and even for the high school students, some of whom are exceptional, are doing this to help them get into college. So it's very difficult. And I think our country has to do a better job in thinking about compensation in these critical in this critical area.

Dani Garavito:

Yeah, they definitely need to be incentivized to become into the world of EMS, you know, and I think in a lot of jobs, not just EMS, and a lot of jobs, you know, and entry jobs and stuff like that, probably not paying people what they should be making. But I think the reality is, too is that, you know, it's also important to have a loyalty to the company that you're working for, to put in time to be compensated well over the years, have an opportunity to get, you know, assessments done or a review, and get a raise as well. And I think employers owe it to their employees to really, truly give feedback and let it be a 360, the feedback managers and employees and also offered the opportunity, though, to whether they get, you know, promoted to a supervisor spot or a senior medic or whether they, you know, just get off and what they're making per hour.

Jason Goldberg:

So, last question for you. Can you tell us about one to two leaders who you've learned from along the way? either good or bad, right? We see leaders sometimes who are not great leaders, and we learned what what not to do but either good or bad? What did what did they teach? Who were they? Who were they? And what did they teach you?

Dani Garavito:

So I did have a guy when I was at the University of Maryland, who he he ran the central Judicial Board, which I was on, it was a board that suspended expelled students from the university for various reasons. But John Zacher, was one of those people who did a great job and getting us together as a group, because that's what we function that usually was a panel of three or four of us. And we all listen to the same story of what had happened with that student or what went on in that incident. And the thing though, is, is that we all have our own interpretation of things when we don't get to see it firsthand. And John was very good at getting us together as a group, and taking all of the different perspectives of the three or four of us that were sitting on the panel, and giving us an opportunity to talk about what we saw, which then provided a different opportunity to the people that you were sitting with. And a lot of times if people don't hear it from somebody else, yes, you can hear it from the student, but then to how I process the information that I got from a student and what my feedback was, that really made a difference. You sometimes just need to hear it a second time. And what I was able to infer from a conversation, then allow them to realize, Oh, I didn't pick up on that. Because so many times when we listen to other speak, we're constantly thinking of how can I respond? But when you look at it from different perspectives, it's not how can I respond to it? It's Sorry, what else do I need to know? So I would say that guy, John Bakker at that central leadership board was one of them who really led us to make a decision that weren't just cut and dry. But looking at all different perspectives of what the problem was or what the issue was. Because in the end, it's a person you're making a decision about, and that's what could be at the forefront younger person. John, thank you. Number two would be my dash. I mean, It seems like the most obvious answer to say and everything else. But I think the reason is just, my dad was one of those who just could look at facts, or listen to people, or come up with a decision that was maybe not quite what everyone else expected in the moment. And I think a lot of that has to do with experience, I don't think we value the experience that people have some time, or what they actually planned for the table. I think when people approach a table with a group of people, they know what they have. And they may have a tendency to just think about what they're able to bring. But you need to understand that sometimes it's what other people bring to the table. Maybe they've done that for 2025 years, I look at myself as a paramedic, you know, and I joke on scene, and I've only done this for 25 years. But it's also knowing that sometimes we need to know how to actually get somebody you know, we need to get this cement block off of this person's leg. And there's maybe somebody in the crowd who knows how to do that. So one thing my dad is very good at is appreciating others experience to come up with a decision that would be best for everyone, and then moving forward with it.

Jason Goldberg:

So I like him. Fantastic. I love that. Well, Danny, thank you so much for for spending the time with us today. We we've learned a lot and a you were beyond humble. You are a true hero in our community. And and thank you for your service and for all that you do.

Dani Garavito:

Thank you. Thank you for having me. This is truly a pleasure. Thanks

Jason Goldberg:

again. Thank you again to Danny Dwyer, Dara Vito for joining us today she is absolutely being humble and an extreme professional. I have personally witnessed Danny handle patients in crisis and extraordinary traumas, and cardiac arrests with with with the utmost of, of calm and professionalism, while making patients feel better and feel connected with with the team. So she's a phenomenal provider. And we were very lucky to hear from her today. As always, at the end of the leaders perspective, podcasts, I like to recap a few things that we learned from from our guests. And so I captured four things that that I learned from from Danny today. First is assess the scene, assess the situation, don't rush in, take a moment, think about what's going on. And then you can empower your people and appreciate your people to take charge. But take that time, assess what's going on. And don't rush right in, you'll have a better outcome when you do that. connected to that. You don't always need to intervene when others have a situation under control, monitor and assess their performance. But if they're doing a good job, let them get it done. The third, listen to what people are saying, listen carefully. But don't listen to react. Listen for facts, and listen for context. Perhaps there's a solution to a problem that isn't cut and dry. And that can be applied to the situation. So again, listen, not to react. But listen for facts and context so that you can come out with the best solution. And lastly, make every interaction a teaching opportunity. And I love this one. And it's it's often it's something that I personally talk about a lot with people when I talk about leadership, it keeps people engaged. So let people manage, then talk afterwards, regroup and talk about whether things could have been done differently or more efficiently. In the medical world, there is a phrase called see one do one teach one. And I love that in business as well. You're basically seeing a procedure, you're doing it once yourself, and then you're teaching somebody else and it is the notion that everyone is a mentor and a mentee at every stage in their career. So this was this was a wonderful episode of the leaders perspective. Again, thank you very much to Danny Gary Vito for joining us. Thank you for listening to the leaders perspective podcast. As always, have a great day and be your best self.


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